Effective Church Finances: Fund-Raising and Budgeting for Church Leaders Review

Effective Church Finances: Fund-Raising and Budgeting for Church Leaders
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Effective Church Finances: Fund-Raising and Budgeting for Church Leaders ReviewCallahan takes a great view of finances in the Church. He doesn't balk at the idea that ministry takes money. But, He always presents the case in terms of people instead of paper, mission instead of mortar, and investment instead of costs...
This book promotes the idea of seeing "giving" as investement in God's mission, which is for the sake of reaching people. And, Callahan suggests that there is a greater "cost" than giving-- that is the "cost" of what we lose when we don't invest in the kingdom-- the cost of rebellious children who are not taught, the cost of marriages that are not healed, the cost of not a community not knowing God. Incredible-- it always goes back to the mission and people-- and how we can invest in the Kingdom.
Chapter 1 is among the best in this book, and details how "mission" actually builds the finances of the church (not that a church does the mission for the finances, but finances to come as a result). More finances provide for a greater investment in mission, which results in more finances, which results in an even greater investment... it's cyclical. And, often, our financial problems in the church MAY result from our missional perspective. That's what I've gathered from the book, and I'm starting to agree with it.
The middle of this book bogs a little, although it does have some practical helpson stewardship campaigns, etc. If you're a church administrator, or the treasurer, chairman of a finance committee, ministry team, etc... you might want to read this one. If you do not directly over see the finances (the nuts and bolts) try reading Callahan's other book on church finances, "Giving and Stewardship in an Effective Church," for it will appeal more to your missional theology (and much of what you find in "Effective Church Finances" is simply a rehash of the other book, some chapters even being copied verbatim).Effective Church Finances: Fund-Raising and Budgeting for Church Leaders Overview

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