Meeting Fairies: My Remarkable Encounters with Nature Spirits Review

Meeting Fairies: My Remarkable Encounters with Nature Spirits
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Meeting Fairies: My Remarkable Encounters with Nature Spirits ReviewI was completely charmed by this delightful little book. It is beautifully bound and printed, complete with several wonderful drawings. Would make a unique gift. The odyssey Mr. Crombie was fortunate enough to have with the nature spirits is detailed here openly and sincerely.
That is fascinating enough in itself. But additionally, Crombie explains what these beings really are in terms even a hardnosed "rationalist" can understand and accept. If you don't "believe" in nature spirits, you probably will after reading this book. Crombie explains that the communication between him and them was of a type of telepathy, and that they actually exist as balls of beautiful multi-colored light - almost like a rainbow but more beautiful..... They take on the forms with which we are familiar...i.e. elves, gnomes, fairies etc. in order to appear to us - assuming the etheric "thought forms" in which humans over thousands of years - going back to Greek myth - have imaginged them. This is more of a matter of convenience for us and is not how they are in their natural resting state.

Today more than ever we need Crombie's message from the Nature Kingdom to us: we must recognize their existence and enter into a equal and cooperative relationship with them in order to cleanse and strenghten the Earth. This would be the greatest environmental action we could take . It has been due to the withdrawal of the nature spirits to a large degree in reaction to man's destructive and exploitive ways, that the foods which are grown today are comparatively low in nutrients and Life force -the vitality - the life force - in food, comes from the nature spirits.
I was fascinated to learn that the Fire spirits - "salamanders" have the unique and wonderful ability to cleanse or delete undesirable or destructive thought forms from the electromagnetic atmosphere in which we live. How we, both as individuals and on a collective scale, need this today!
Crombie admonishes us to understand that the nature spirits are not "cute" but are tremendously powerful beings - in the Angelic Hierarchy and will still - hard to believe in light of man's destructive ways and stupidity - help us if we hold the intention of earnestly and cooperatively working with them. Highly recommended!Meeting Fairies: My Remarkable Encounters with Nature Spirits Overview

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